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Author Guidelines

Detailed guidelines are provided in the print version of the journal as well as on the journal website (


  • Full-length articles, short communications, book reviews and review articles are published in the Journal. Review articles and book reviews are published usually by invitation. Full length articles and short communications should report results of original investigations in oilseeds, oil bearing plants and relevant fields of science.
  • Choice of publishing the paper(s) either as full length paper or short communication rests with the authors.
  • Manuscript should be written in English correctly, clearly, objectively and concisely. Telegraphic languages should be avoided. Use active voice. Active voice is clear, unambiguous and takes less space. Use past tense while reporting results.
  • All the statements made in the manuscript should be clear, unambiguous, and to the point. Plagiarism is a crime and therefore, no part of the previously published material can be reproduced exactly without prior permission from the original publisher or author(s) as deemed essential and the responsibility of this solely rests on the authors.
  • Authors shall be solely responsible for the authenticity of the results published as well as the inferences drawn thereof. The data should be reported in a coherent sequence. Do not repeat ideas in different forms of sentences.
  • Avoid superfluous sentences such as `it is interesting to note that', `it is evident from the table that' or `it may be concluded that' etc. Use % for percent, %age for percentage, / for per, @ for at the rate of, hr for hours, sec for seconds. Indicate date as 21 January 2010 (no commas anywhere).
  • Spell out the standard abbreviations when first mentioned, e.g., Net assimilation rate (NAR), general combining ability (GCA), genetic advance (GA), total bright leaf equivalents (TBLE), and mean sum of squares (MSS).
  • Every manuscript submitted shall go through the reviewing process and only after the satisfactory passing of this process the MS will be accepted for publication in the journal.
  • The Journal of Oilseeds Research publishes the manuscripts from only the members of The Indian Society of Oilseeds Research.



  • Language of the Journal is English. Generally, the length of an article should not exceed 3,000 words in the case of full-length article and 750 words in the case of short communication. However completeness of information is more important. Each half-page table or illustration should be taken as equivalent to 200 words.
  • It is desirable to submit manuscript in the form of soft copy either as an e-mail attachment to (preferred because of ease in handling during review process) or in a compact disk (CD) (in MS Word document; double line space; Times New Roman; font size 12).
  • In exceptional cases, where the typed manuscript is being submitted as hard copy, typing must be done only on one side of the paper, leaving sufficient margin, at least 4 cm on the left hand side and 3 cm on the other three sides. Faded typewriter ribbon should not be used. Double space typing is essential throughout the manuscript, right from the title through references (except tables), foot note etc. Typed manuscript, complete in all respects, is to be submitted to the Editor, Journal of Oilseeds Research, ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Telangana State, India.
  • Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered.
  • Punctuation marks help to show the specific meanings of words by grouping them into sentences, phrases, and clauses, etc., is specific ways. These marks should be used in proper manner so that the readers understand exactly the intended meaning.
  • Receipt of the manuscript (in the form of either soft or hard copy) will be acknowledged by the editorial office of the Society, giving a manuscript number which should be quoted in all subsequent correspondence regarding that particular article.



Detailed instructions for the types of articles

Full-length Articles

Organization of the Manuscript

 Before reading the instructions given below, the author(s) would better have a close look at the latest issue of the Journal. Full-length article comprises the following sections. (a) Short title (g) Materials and Methods (b) Title (h) Results and Discussion (c) Author/Authors (i) Acknowledgments (if any) (d) Institution and Address with PIN (postal) code (j) References (e) Abstract (along with key words) (k) Tables and figures (if any) (f) Introduction

Guidelines for each section are as follows:

All these headings or matter thereof should start from left hand side of the margin, without any indent.

 Short Title

 A shortened title (approximately of 30 characters) set in capital letters should convey the main theme of the paper.


Except for prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns and articles, the first letter of each word should be in capital letter. The title should be short and should contain key words and phrases to indicate the contents of the paper and be attractive. Jargons and telegraphic phrases should be avoided. As a matter of fact for some readers, actual reading of a paper may depend on the attractiveness of its title.


 The name(s) of author(s) should be typed in capital letters in the line below the title, starting from the left margin. Put an asterisk as superscript at the end of the name of the corresponding author. Give the Email ID of the corresponding author as a footnote.

 Institution and Address

This matter will come below the name(s) of the author(s). Name of the Laboratory/Department, followed by the name of the Institution/Organization/University where the work reported in the paper was carried out shall come below the name(s) of author(s). Complete postal address, which should include city/town, district, and state, followed by PIN (postal) code is to be furnished. In case any author has changed the above address, this should be indicated as a footnote.


The paragraph should start with the word Abstract (in bold font). The abstract should comprise brief and factual summary or salient points of the contents and the conclusions of the investigation reported in the paper and should refer to any new information therein. As the abstract is an independent entity, it should be able to convey the gist of the paper in a concise manner. It will be seen by many more people than will read the paper. The abstract, as concise as possible, should not exceed 250 words in length. Everything that is important in the paper must be reflected in the abstract. It should provide to the reader very briefly the rationale, objectives or hypothesis, methods, results and conclusions of the study described in the paper. In the abstract, do not deflect the reader with promises such as 'will be discussed' or 'will be explained'. Also do not include reference, figure or table citation. At first mention in the abstract, give complete scientific name for plants and other organisms, the full names of chemicals and the description of soil order/series. Any such names or descriptions from the abstract need not be repeated in the text. It must be remembered that the abstracting journals place a great emphasis on the abstract in the selection of papers for abstracting. If properly prepared, they may reproduce it verbatim.

 "Key words" Should, follow separately after the last sentence of the abstract. "Key words" indicate the most important materials, operations, or ideas covered in the paper. Key words are used in indexing the articles.

Introduction (To be typed as side-heading, starting from the left-hand margin, a few spaces below the key words)

This section is meant to introduce the subject of the paper. Introduction should be short, concise and indicate the objectives and scope of the investigation. To orient readers, give a brief reference to previous concepts and research. Limit literature references to essential information. When new references are available, do not use old references unless it is of historical importance or a landmark in that field. Emphasis should be given among other things on citing the literature on work done under Indian conditions. Introduction must include: (a) a brief statement of the problem, justifying the need for doing the work or the hypothesis on which the work is based, (b) the findings of others that will be further developed or challenged, and (c) an explanation of the approach to be followed and the objectives of the research described in the paper. If the methods employed in the paper are new, it must be indicated in the introduction section.

 Materials and methods (To be typed as side-heading, starting from the left-hand margin, a few spaces below the introduction)

This part of the text should comprise the materials used in the investigation, methods of experiment and analysis adopted. This portion should be self-explanatory and have the requisite information needed for understanding and assessing the results reported subsequently. Enough details should be provided in this section to allow a competent scientist to repeat the experiments, mentally or in fact. The geographical position of soil site or soils used in the experiment or site of field trial should be identified clearly with the help of coordinates (latitude & longitude) and invariably proper classification according to Soil Taxonomy (USDA), must be indicated to the level of Great-group, Suborder or Order as far as possible. Specify the period during which the experiment(s) was conducted. Send the article after completion of the experiment(s) not after a gap of 5 years. Instead of kharif and rabi use rainy and winter season respectively. Please give invariably the botanical names for local crop names like raya, bajra moong, cholam etc. Botanical and zoological names should confirm to the international rules. Give authorities. Go through some of our recent issues and find out the correct names. Give latest correct names from authentic source. For materials, give the appropriate technical specifications and quantities and source or method of preparation. Should a product be identified by trade name, add the name and location of the manufacturer or a major distributor in parenthesis after the first mention of the product. For the name of plant protection chemicals, give popular scientific names (first letter small), not trade names (When trade name is given in addition, capitalize the first letter of the name). Known methods of analysis should be indicated by referring to the original source, avoiding detailed description. Any new technique developed and followed should be described in fair detail. When some specially procured or proprietary materials are used, give their pertinent chemical and physical properties. References for the methods used in the study should be cited. If the techniques are widely familiar, use only their names in that case.

Results and Discussion (To be typed as a side-heading, a few spaces below the matter on "Materials and Methods")

This section should discuss the salient points of observation and critical interpretation thereof in past tense. This should not be descriptive and mere recital of the data presented in the tables and diagrams. Unnecessary details must be avoided but at the same time significant findings and special features should be highlighted. For systematic discussion, this section may be divided into sub-sections under side-heading and/or paragraph side heading. Relate the results to your objectives. While discussing the results, give particular attention to the problem, question or hypothesis presented in the introduction. Explain the principles, relationships, and generalizations that can be supported by the results. Point out any exceptions. Explain how the results relate to previous findings, support, contradict or simply add as data. Use the Discussion section to focus on the meaning of your findings rather than recapitulating them. Scientific speculation is encouraged but it should be reasonable and firmly founded in observations. When results differ from previous results, possible explanations should be given. Controversial issues should be discussed clearly. References to published work should be cited in the text by the name(s) of author(s) as follows: Mukherjee and Mitra (1942) have shown or It has been shown (Mukherjee and Mitra, 1942)..... If there are more than two authors, this should be indicated by et al. after the surname of the first author, e.g., Mukherjee et al. (1938).

Always conclude the article by clearly crystallizing the summary of the results obtained along with their implications in solution of the practical problems or contribution to the advancement of the scientific knowledge.

 Acknowledgments (To be typed as given above, as a side-heading, well below the concluding portion). The author(s) may place on record the help, and cooperation, or financial help received from any source, person or organization. This should be very brief, and omitted, if not necessary.

References (To be typed as above, as side heading below Acknowledgement)

The list of references must include all published work referred to in the text. Type with double line spacing. Do not cite anonymous as author; instead cite the name of the institute, publisher, or editor. References should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the individual authors or first authors. Two or more references by the same author are to be cited chronologically; two or more in the same year by the letters a, b, c, etc. All individually authored articles precede those in which the individual is the first or joint author. Every reference cited in the article should be included in the list of References. This needs rigorous checking of each reference. Names of authors should not be capitalized.

 The reference citation should follow the order: author(s), year of publication, title of the paper, periodical (title in full, no abbreviations, italics or underlined), volume (bold or double underlining), starting and ending pages of the paper. Reference to a book includes authors(s), year, title (first letter of each word except preposition, conjunction, and pronouns in capitals and underlined), the edition (if other than first), the publisher, city of publication. If necessary, particular page numbers should be mentioned in the last. Year of publication cited in the text should be checked with that given under References. Year, volume number and page number of each periodical cited under "References" must be checked with the original source. The list of references should be typed as follows:


Rao C R 1968. Advances in Statistical Methods in Biometrical Research, pp.40-45, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

 Kanwar J S and Raychaudhuri S P 1971. Review of Soil Research in India, pp 30-36. Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi.

 Mukherjee J N 1953. The need for delineating the basic soil and climatic regions of importance to the plant industry. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 1: 1-6.

 Khan S K, Mohanty S K and Chalam A B, 1986. Integrated management of organic manure and fertilizer nitrogen for rice. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 34: 505-509.

 Bijay-Singh and Yadvinder-Singh 1997. Green manuring and biological N fixation: North Indian perspective. In: Kanwar J S and Katyal J C (Ed.) Plant Nutrient Needs, Supply, Efficiency and Policy Issues 2000-2025. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, India, pp.29-44.

Singh S, Pahuja S S and Malik R K 1992. Herbicidal control of water hyacinth and its effect on chemical composition of water (in) Proceedings of Annual Weed Science Conference, held during 3-4 March 1992 by the Indian Society of Weed Science, at Chaurdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, 127p.

 AICRP on Soybean 1992. Proceedings of 23rd Annual Workshop of All-India Co-ordinated Research Project on Soybean, held during 7-9 May 1992 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, National Research Centre for Soybean, Indore, pp.48.

Devakumar C. 1986. Identification of nitrification retarding principles in neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.) seeds. Ph D Thesis, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.

Reference to unpublished work should normally be avoided and if unavoidable it may be mentioned only in the text.


Short Communication

Conceptually short communication is a first report on new concept, ideas and methodology which the author(s) would wish to share with the scientific community and that the detailed paper would follow. Short Communication is akin to an advance booking for the report on the findings. Short communications may include short but trend-setting reports of field or laboratory observation(s), preliminary results of long-term projects, or new techniques or those matters on which enough information to warrant its publication as a full length article has still not been generated but the results need to be shared immediately with the scientific community. The style is less formal as compared with the "full-length" article. In the short communications, the sections on abstract, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusion are omitted; but the material is put concisely in the same sequence but without formal sections. The other instructions are the same as in the case of the full-length articles.

Research accounts

Not exceeding 4000 words, with cited references preferably limited to about 40-50 in number, these are articles are to provide an overview of the research work carried out in the author(s)’ laboratory, and be based on a body of their published work. The articles must provide appropriate background to the area in a brief introduction so that it could place the author(s)’ work in a proper perspective. This could be published from persons who have pursued a research area for a substantial period dotted with publications and thus research account will provide an overall idea of the progress that has been witnessed in the chosen area of research. In this account, author(s) could also narrate the work of others if that had influenced the course of work in authors’ lab.


Not exceeding 600 words, this includes letters that are of general interest to scientists, and technical comments, including those on articles or communications published in Journal of Oilseeds Research within the previous four issues. This could be in the form of short letters and these letters may be reviewed and edited.

Technical notes

Less than 1500 words and one or two display items, this type of communication may include technical advances such as new methods, protocols or modifications of the existing methods that help in better output or advances in instrumentation.


Not exceeding 750 word, this type of communication can cover important scientific events, or any other news, of interest to scientists in general, and vegetable oil research in particular.

Meeting reports

In less than 1500 words, it can deal with highlights/technical contents of a conference/ symposium/discussion-meeting, etc., conveying to readers the significance of important advances. Meeting reports should avoid merely listing brief accounts of topics discussed but convey to readers the significance/important knowledge/ideas that evolved in the meeting. It could also include the major recommendations or strategic plans worked out.

Research News 

Not exceeding 2000 words and 3 display items, these should provide a semi-technical account of recently published advances or important findings that could be adopted in vegetable oil research.

Opinion articles

In less than 1200 words, such articles present views on issues related to science and scientific activity.


Less than 2000 words, articles are expected to be expository essays on issues related directly or indirectly to research and other stake holders involved in vegetable oil sector.

Book reviews

Not exceeding 1500 words, books that provide a clear in depth knowledge on oilseeds or oil yielding plants, production, processing, marketing, etc., may be reviewed critically and the utility of such books could be highlighted. 

Historical commentary/notes 

Limited to about 3000 words, these articles may inform readers about interesting aspects of personalities or institutions of importance to science and agriculture or about watershed events in the history/development of science. Illustrations and photographs are welcome. Brief items will also be considered.

Education point

 Limited to about 2000 words, such articles could highlight the study material(s) available in oilseeds to explain different concepts of genetics, plant breeding and modern agriculture practices.



Tables should not form more than 20% of the text. Each table should be typed on separate sheet and should have on the top a table number (in Arabic numerals viz. 1, 2, 3 etc.) and a caption or title which should be short, but sufficiently explanatory of the data included in the table. Information in the table should never duplicate that in the text and vice versa. Symbols (asterisks, daggers, etc. or small letters, viz., a, b, etc.) should be used to indicate footnotes to tables. Maximum size of table acceptable is what can be conveniently composed within one full printed page of the journal. Over-sized tables will be rejected out-right. Such tables may be suitably split into two or more small tables.

The data in tables should be corrected to minimum place of decimal so as to make it more meaningful. Do not use full stop with CD, SEm±, NS (not C.D., S.E.m±, N.S.). Do not put cross-rules inside the table. Tables should be numbered consecutively and their approximate positions indicated in the margin of the manuscript. Tables should not be inserted in the body of the text. Type each table on a separate sheet. Do not use capital letters for the tabular headings, do not underline the words and do not use a full-stop at the end of the heading. All the tables should be tagged with the main body of the text i.e. after references.



 Figures include diagrams and photographs. Laser print outs of line diagrams are acceptable while dot-matrix print outs will be rejected. Alternatively, each illustration can be drawn on white art card or tracing cloth/ paper, using proper stencil. The lines should be bold and of uniform thickness. The numbers and letterings must be stenciled; free-hand drawing will not be accepted. Size of the illustrations as well as numbers, and letterings should be sufficiently large to stand suitable reduction in size. Overall size of the illustrations should be such that on reduction, the size will be the width of single or double column of the printed page of the Journal. Legends, if any, should be included within the illustration. Each illustration should have a number followed by a caption typed/ typeset well below the illustration.

 Title of the article and name(s) of the author(s) should be written sufficiently below the caption. The photographs (black and white) should have a glossy finish with sharp contrast between the light and the dark areas. Colour photographs/ figures are not normally accepted. One set of the original figures must be submitted along with the manuscript, while the second set can be photocopy. The illustrations should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. The position of each figure should be indicated in the margin of the text. The photographs should be securely enclosed with the manuscript after placing them in hard board pouches so that there may not be any crack or fold. Photographs should preferably be 8.5 cm or 17 cm wide or double the size. The captions for all the illustrations (including photographs) should be typed on a separate sheet of paper and placed after the tables.

Expression of Plant Nutrients on Elemental Basis

The amounts and proportions of nutrient elements must be expressed in elemental forms e.g. for ion uptake or in other ways as needed for theoretical purposes. In expressing doses of nitrogen, phosphatic, and potassic fertilizers also these should be in the form of N, P and K, respectively. While these should be expressed in terms of kg/ha for field experiments, for pot culture studies the unit should be in mg/kg soil.


SI Units and Symbols

SI Units (System International d 'Unities or International System of Units) should be used. The SI contains three classes of units: (i) base units, (ii) derived units, and (iii) supplementary units. To denote multiples and sub-multiples of units, standard abbreviations are to be used. Clark's Tables: Science Data Book by Orient Longman, New Delhi (1982) may be consulted.

Some of these units along with the corresponding symbols are reproduced for the sake of convenience.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • All the authors who have contributed to the work have been included in the authorship.
  • Only those authors who have contributed to the work have been included in the authorship.
  • Required permissions from the respective institutions of authors’ affiliations have been obtained before submitting the article by following the prescribed procedures of the institutions.
  • The affiliations provided have been thoroughly checked.
  • All the authors have read the article and agree to facts of the contents as well as disclosure thereof in the manuscript.
  • The overall structure of the format given in ‘Instructions to Authors’ has been followed while preparing the manuscript.
  • The references have been cross checked.
  • The listed references are in the prescribed format.
  • Each of the figures and tables (if any) included is necessary to present the information.
  • All the figures and tables (if any) are labeled and described properly and quoted in the text.
  • Photographs (if any) illustrate/depict the intended scientific fact(s)/data precisely and clearly.
  • In respect of all the figures and tables that have been borrowed from other published material, appropriate consent(s) from the original copyright holders (authors/publishers) have been properly obtained and that original authors/publishers are duly attributed.
  • Due care has been taken that no text/figures, tables or part(s) thereof are previously published or submitted for any other publication by the authors.
  • The manuscript is checked for the spelling and grammatical correctness.
  • There is no conflict of interest.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.